
Component Behavior Evaluation Tool

ComponentBee is build on Eclipse TPTP and it supports dynamic reliability testing that is able to calculate reliability and availability (R&A) values for actual software components and refine architectural models with R&A values obtained through testing. ComponentBee is an open source software and published under the terms of Eclipse Public Licence.

The component and system level reliability testing in ComponentBee

Modelling . Test models are constructed for the software system ( EMF + GMF + JDT + UML ).

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Logging . Probes are dynamically attached to the software components to log their dynamic behaviour ( TPTP ).

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Behaviour analysis . A message log is composed of the raw log information and behaviour patterns are extracted from the message log ( JavaCC ).

Reliability evaluation . Evaluators use the behaviour patterns and calculate reliability values for the components.

© VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 2008

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